At Kennington CE Academy, safeguarding is taken extremely seriously in order to keep all of our pupils safe. Safeguarding is our whole school shared responsibility and each adult who works in our school or visits our school shares that responsibility. The culture of safeguarding underpins everything that we do and is integral to our policies and interactions with all members of our school community.

We use regular training to inform our practices and understand how behaviours may be signals for signs and symptoms for a range of safeguarding issues. We seek to create safe environments for all our pupils so that they have the confidence to share anything that is worrying or upsetting them. We challenge all inappropriate behaviours and work hard to promote dignity and respect for all pupils and adults in our care using positive language that does not create shame or blame.

On our school team we have four trained Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DSL). Our role is to ensure that our pupils are safe both in and outside of school.

Designated Safeguarding Team 

Mrs Karen Godsell (Lead DSL & Headteacher) 
Miss Rachel Lavender (Deputy DSL and Deputy Headteacher)
Ms Alexandria Hixon (Deputy DSL, SENCO & SLT) 
Mrs Clare Haddleton (Deputy DSL and Pastoral Lead) 

You can contact us by telephone 01233 623744 (asking for the DSL) or by email: dsl@kennington.school

You can find our Child Protection Policy below.

Safer Recruitment

Kennington CE Academy is committed to ensure that all steps are taken to recruit staff and volunteers who are safe to work with our pupils/students and have their welfare and protection as the highest priority. The Governing Body and School Leadership Team are responsible for ensuring that the school follows safe recruitment processes outlined within guidance, including accurate maintenance of the Single Central Record; and an application, vetting and recruitment process which places safeguarding at its centre, regardless of employee or voluntary role. All staff involved in recruitment are trained in Safer Recruitment at least annually.