In 2014, the National Curriculum transformed the subject known as ICT into the inspiring, challenging and enhanced subject now called Computing. Unlike ICT, which focused primarily on skills sets used on computers, Computing is concerned with how computers system work, how they are designed and how they are programmed.
During their time at Kennington CE Academy, children are taught Computing, both discretely and also embedded into other cross curricular subject areas. They will experience programming using the coding environments on Purple Mash and Scratch. They will also learn how to safely use services which are now common place such as blogging, wikis, emails, website design and app development.
The school has a clearly defined E-safety policy and Pupils are taught about internet safety throughout their time at our school and we are supportive of campaigns such as ‘safer internet day’.
To reinforce and extend children’s learning, Kennington CE Academy promotes the use of websites such as TTRockstars, Oddizzi and Accelerated Reader.