It is our intention to make every child a reader by the end of their primary education regardless of their background, needs or abilities. We work passionately and collaboratively, with parents as part of the journey, to promote a love of reading through a range of genres and books, where all pupils are able to read fluently, and with confidence, in any subject across the curriculum.
We continue to promote our reading initiatives. As a school, we follow the Accelerated Reader scheme. This means that the children have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of books matched to their ability. We encourage the children to read a variety of books to ensure that they get the breadth and depth required for becoming a well-rounded reader. Children are then able to complete an online quiz that assesses how well they have understood what they have read. We celebrate the children that have achieved 100% in their quizzes and become millionaire word readers. Classes compete termly for points to become the winning class in each year group and across the school – rewards and medals are up for grabs! Children have access to quiz at home and at school with parents involved in the process via Home Connect. There is time scheduled daily for children to enjoy a quiet time to read and enjoy the text they have selected from the library. IPADs and computers are readily available for quizzes during these sessions too!
We use Little Wandle to help support children who need a boost to fully embed their phonics knowledge and develop their reading skills. This is in-line with our feeder Infant School, Downs View.
We thrive on ensuring children develop a love and passion for reading. During the school week, children are provided with the opportunity to enjoy the newly refurbished school library set in the middle of the school.
Throughout our curriculum, children encounter a diverse range of literature such as sharing high quality non-fiction texts, fiction texts and poems through daily guided reading sessions. Comprehension is a vital part of our approach to developing life long readers.
Class story time is an essential part of our school day where enthusiastic and animated reading aloud takes place from the class teachers.