
Here at Kennington, we want to introduce the children to a life long love of learning. With our History curriculum we try and engage the children by making it more hands on and exciting regardless of their level of writing ability. As they move through the school they will move through the ages, learning about British and World History as they go. We have been working with Canterbury Archeological Trust to provide children with the opportunity to explore artefacts from the different topics we have been studying to really give them the opportunity to understand how people in the past lived. We also try and include at least one theme day or trip so that the children can get even more hands on experiences.

The Titanic
The Victorians
The Tudors
The Vikings
The Saxons
The Ancient Mayans
The Romans
Ancient Greeks
Ancient Egyptians

Stone Age

Here are the topics that children can look forward to learning during their time at Kennington: