The role of the Governing Body is to support and challenge the school leadership to ensure that all our children make excellent progress and leave Kennington Academy as confident and resilient learners ready for secondary school and ultimately life in modern Britain.
As Governors It is our role to work with leaders to set the strategic long term direction of the school, continue to raise standards through inspirational learning and ensure that our Christian values are at the heart of school life.
We also have to ensure that the budget is spent carefully securing best value for money, but also in a way that shows maximum impact on learning.
All the governors consider it a great privilege to be involved with Kennington Academy and are committed to being active in our school improvement journey.
The Chair of Governors is Mr Simon Ward, who can be contacted via the school office:
by email:
in writing to Kennington CE Academy, Upper Vicarage Road, Ashford TN24 9AG.
by telephone 01233 623744
Our Governors
Mr Simon Ward (Chair)
Mr Jamie Fox (Vice Chair)
Mrs Karen Godsell (Headteacher)
Mrs Lauren Kennett (Staff Governor)
Mrs Carrie Osborne
Mrs Janet Preece
We have recently recruited new governors and will update this page to show the additional names and governor responsibilities on completion of the checking process.
Meeting Dates 2023-2024
Term 1: 5th October 2023
Term 2: 14th December 2023
Term 3: 8th February 2024
Term 4: 21st March 2024
Term 5: 23rd May 2024
Term 6: 4th July 2024
Register of Business Interests