
Admission to Year 3

Kennington CE Academy has a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 90. This means that we admit 90 children per year into three Year Three classes.

The majority of our pupils will join us from Downs View Infant School which is located directly opposite Kennington CE Academy.  Priority is given to children attending Downs View in Year 2 through our Admissions Policy. We also welcome applications from pupils attending other infant schools or moving into the area. 

Parents need to apply for a place in Year 3 through the same process as EYFS applications. You can find out more about the application process here.

DfE Guidance Leaflet

In Year Admissions

All admissions that do not form part of the coordinated Year 3 application process are called ‘in year admissions’.

All ‘in year’ school applications regardless of year group and point of entry should be made directly to the school that you wish your child to attend. If you are interested in your child joining Kennington Church of England Academy, please make a formal application for a place. You will need to complete an In Year Admission Form (IYAF) and return it to the school office for processing.

You will be notified of the outcome of your application in writing within 10 school days. If there is no space available, you will have the option of appealing for a place, and your letter will explain how to do this.