At Kennington Church of England Academy, our vision is all encompassing fore everyone. Inclusion for all in our Christian community means that everyone recognises their own talents and understands that everyone in school is important.
All children at Kennington CE Academy are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities, making full use of externally provided facilities where appropriate.
The staff at Kennington CE Academy recognise that all children in their care have special needs, each child is seen as an individual and every effort taken to ensure that his/her needs are met. All children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. .
The school adopts a graduated response with adaptive teaching and an array of strategies to help children who have special educational needs including specialist expertise where appropriate.
Tracking the progress of children with SEND
So that we can meet all children’s learning needs appropriately, we hold Pupil Progress Meetings every seasonal term where SLT, SENCO and class teachers meet to discuss the progress of children. From these meetings we plan for children to receive specific interventions that may further support them with their learning.
At Kennington we run a range of interventions:
Little Wandle Catch-up
Speech and Language Support
1:1 Tuition (Phonics) Intervention
Spelling Intervention Groups
Focus Reading Groups
Focus Writing Groups
Focus Maths Groups
Small group in-class support
Lego Therapy
FIZZY (Gross motor skills programme)
Clever Hands (Fine motor skills programme)
Well-being support in The Hub
If you have any queries about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) please contact our SENDCO Ms Alexandria Hixon
01233 623744
Our Inclusion Lead is Miss Rachel Lavender and can be contacted on the school telephone number.
Useful links
The British Dyslexia Association:
The Autism Charity:
Kent Education Learning and Skills Information:
Kent County Council SEN: