
We deliver a wide range of physical activities at Kennington Academy, with the aim of engaging and inspiring all our children. We are committed to ensure that all children receive at least two hours per week of well-planned, high quality PE. This is augmented with extra lessons from Jonathan Payne of Shepherd’s Bush Cricket Club, who provides extra cricket coaching to classes in half termly blocks.

During the year each pupil receives a wide range of lessons encompassing games, athletics, gymnastics and dance lessons. Year 3 pupils also receive swimming lessons at the local Stour Centre Swimming Pool in Term 6. Our aim is that all children leave Kennington Academy being able to swim 25 metres.

Kennington Academy appreciates the importance of sport in primary school, both in terms of improving fitness and competing. We have an excellent track record in competing in local inter school events. We are continuing to raise the profile of competitive sport at Kennington Academy, by participating in a wider range of sports. This coming year, we have plans to compete in handball, volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, indoor athletics, hockey, rounders, tag rugby, alongside the usual sports (such as football, swimming, cricket, athletics and netball) that we perform well in. Being in sports teams can have an enormous motivating effect on children who may struggle academically. This can often improve confidence levels, which in turn can lead to an improved quality of output in class. Our commitment is to ensure that all children have access to a range of sporting activities, not only competitively but during school hours.